Receipts and Payments

Receipts and Payments Account ๐Ÿงพ

These Accounts are prepared for organizations whose aim is not to make profit, e.g., charity organizations, clubs, associations, churches, government, NGOs, etc. ๐Ÿค

Accounts Under Nonprofit Organizations:

Receipt and Payment Example ๐Ÿ’ต

The treasurer of SKM Football Club had the following details from the summary Cash Book at 31st December 2011:

Details Amount (K)
Bank balance at 1 December 2010 630,000
Cash Balance at 1 December 2010 100,000
Cash Receipts during the year 2011 1,700,000
Members' Subscription for 2011 1,360,000
Game gate takings 1,700,000
Annual social party collections 1,340,000

Expenses During the Year 2011

Expense Amount (K)
Rent 2,340,000
Printing and stationery 180,000
Affiliation fees 120,000
Secretarial expenses 370,000
Refreshment during games 610,000
Annual social party expenses 1,020,000
New equipment purchased 260,000

SKM Football Club Financial Statements ๐Ÿ“‘

The treasurer also had the following details:

Description Amount (K)
Amount due to the club 260,000
Members subscription 1 December 2010
31st December 2011
Members subscription 140,000
Game gate takings 780,000
Annual social party collections
Amounts owned by the club 160,000
Rent 720,000
Printing 30,000
Secretarial Expenses 40,000
Visitors refreshments expenses 130,000
On 1 December 2010 the clubโ€™s equipment had a book value of K1,500,000
It was decided that 10% of total book value of the equipment be written off at 31st December 2011.

You are required to:

Solution ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

SKMโ€™S Football Club Receipts and Payments for the year ended 31ST December 2011

Receipts Amount (K)
Balance b/f: Cash 630,000
Balance b/f Bank 100,000
Subscription (140,000 + 1,360,000 + 200,000) 1,700,000
Game Takings 1,700,000
Annual Social Party Collection 1,340,000
Total Receipts 5,470,000


Payments Amount (K)
Rent 2,340,000
Printing and Stationary 180,000
Affiliation fee 120,000
Secretary expenses 370,000
Refreshment During games 610,000
Annual Social party Expenses 1,020,000
New Equipment 260,000
Total Payments 4,900,000

Bank/Cash Balance ๐Ÿ’ณ


SKMโ€™S Football club Income and Expenditure Statement FOR the year ended 31 December 2011

Income Amount (K)
Subscription (1,360,000 + 120,000) 1,480,000
Game Takings (1,700,000 + 530,000 โ€“ 780,000) 1,450,000
Annual Social Party (1,340,000 - 160,000 + 1,020,000) 160,000
Total Income 3,090,000

Less Expenditure

Expenditure Amount (K)
Rent (2,340,000 โ€“ 720,000 + 540,000) 2,160,000
Printing and Stationery (180,000 + 30,000) 210,000
Affiliation fees 120,000
Secretarial expenses (370,000 - 40,000 + 80,000) 410,000
Refreshment During the Games (610,000 - 130,000 + 120,000) 600,000
Depreciation of equipment 176,000
Total Expenditure 3,676,000
Deficit (586,000)

SKMโ€™S Football Club's Balance Sheet as at 31ST December 2011

Fixed Asset Cost Dep. NBV
Equipment (1,500,000 + 260,000) 1,760,000 176,000 1,584,000

Current Assets

Current Assets Amount (K)
Subscription owing 120,000
Game gate takings 530,000
Cash at bank 570,000
Total Current Assets 1,220,000

Less: Current Liabilities

Liabilities Amount (K)
Rent Owing 540,000
Printing and stationery 30,000
Secretarial Expense 50,000
Refreshment creditors 80,000
Prepaid subscription 200,000
Total Current Liabilities 970,000

Working Capital


Net assets


Financed By;

Accumulated Fund (W1) Amount (K)
Accumulated Fund 2,420,000
Less: deficit (586,000)
Total 1,834,000

W1. Accumulated Fund

Assets Amount (K)
Cash 630,000
Bank 100,000
Subscription 140,000
Game Takings 780,000
Annual Social Party 160,000
Equipment 1,500,000
Total Assets 3,310,000

Less Liabilities

Liabilities Amount (K)
Rent Owing 720,000
Secretarial Expenses 40,000
Visitors Refreshments Exp. 130,000
Total Liabilities 890,000

Accumulated Fund as of 01.01.11 ๐Ÿ“…


A Tens Club Subscription Example

A Tens Club charges its members an annual subscription of K20 per member. It accrues for subscriptions at the end of each year and adjusts for subscriptions received in advance. On January 1, 2013, 18 members had not yet paid their subscription for the year 2012. In December 2012, 4 members paid K80 for the year 2013. During the year 2013, it received K7,420 in cash for subscriptions:

Date Details Debit (K) Credit (K)
2013 Jan 1 Balance b/d bank 360
Income and expenditure balance c/d 7,220 140
Balance b/d 80

Examination Question

Q1. The Chingola Recreation club had the following details during the year ended 31 March 2014:

Receipts and Payments Account for the Year Ended 31 March 2014

Details Amount (K)
Bank Balance B/D 40,000
Sales of Refreshments 525,000
Subscription 250,000
Donations 702,000
Balance C/D 513,200
Total 2,030,200

Additional Information

The following information is also available:

Details 31/03/13 (K) 31/03/14 (K)
Subscriptions in advance 78,000 21,200
Subscriptions in arrears 56,400 49,000
Stock of refreshments 27,000 32,500
Arrears on suppliers of refreshments 10,000 15,000
Printing machine (cost 500,000) 370,000 320,000


Prepare the trading account for refreshments with the correct heading.

Prepare the subscriptions account.

Prepare the income and expenditure account for the year ended 31st March 2014 and the Balance sheet at that date (show the calculation of the Accumulated Fund as at 1st April 2014).